There can be no happiness without sadness.

What is happiness?

There’s a long living saying called “Be positive”, basically means be happy in your life and don’t care about the sad feelings associated with sorrow, grief etc. But what if we just exclude these sad emotions in our life for good, like these feelings don’t exist no more. Will that be enough to make a person happy or even positive? If there’s no sadness in life then how can you determine what is happiness?


Let’s imagine a living world where there is no sadness. Imagine, imagine…imagine, are you done? Great. But, sorry to say that world would not exist.
People often value happiness more than sadness because they know how painful it feels to have any kind of sad emotion in your life.
That’s the reason why happiness is more valuable, obliquely because of sadness.
We tend to oversee the value of sadness though.

Value of sadness.
Everybody knows the value of happiness so I would not say more on that, but in case of sadness, this feeling associated with more emotions like failing; which helps us to understand our mistakes and motivate us to not do same mistake again, sorrow which gives us the emotion of that we care about something, and the list goes on.
Every sad emotion is necessary to live and improve yourself in life.
Sadness is important to feel the value of happiness.

Everybody knows the value of happiness so I would not say more on that, but in case of sadness, this feeling associated with more emotions like failing; which helps us to understand our mistakes and motivate us to not do same mistake again, sorrow which gives us the emotion of that we care about something, and the list goes on.
Every sad emotion is necessary to live and improve yourself in life.
Sadness is important to feel the value of happiness.

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