
A handful of cream,
and a few comb strikes woulde set her up.
Her hands grooved, her calm humming illuminates the walls.
the husband yells, knocks on the door, just at the closed gate,
“We are going to be late, you ready yet?”
Pardon, few hours baby, I would be belle, you bet.
Soon, the knocking vanishes with the yell,
how much she is pretty, you could tell.


A silly poem where I exaggerated the relationship between a “Belle” and her beloved cosmetics. A relationship which is quite common because not only women, but also men are keen in the use of cosmetics which is obviously not unorthodox to do so.


On a scorching day,
laying on a dampened grass.
Her voice moves around like a vivid butterfly,
so, colorful that would make you cry.
My heartbeat deepend when our hands collide to one another,
my tears almost blew out when she uttered, “Shall we go now, brother.”


I would like to put this poem on my “Humorous” list. I wrote this poem in a humorous way like how love poems are sometimes full of cliches without any releastic elements and unexpected turn of events.

If you didn’t understand the poem then let me assist you. It’s revolving around a couple who are laying beside each other on a sunny day and the boy, you can assume, has a crush on her. So, he got nervous and when their hands grips to one another, but sadly she calls him as a “brother”. Thus, losing his chances to make her a bride in the future.

If you find this poem weird, then it was meant to be.



oh, lonely, lonely man,
with shallow wishes in hand.
knees on the ground,
with acting deserving a crown.
Don’t weep, oh lonely man,
I would grant your wishes, one by one,
until all of it, are done.
The man’s eyes glowed in euphoria,
with a smile that is broad,
so, he agreed and nod.
With hers generosity, flauntful wishes became real, in a poof.
his smile widened so do the possessions of the doof.
Soon enough the responsibility of the wants,
sweated him down.
Squished beneath the weight, blood poured beneath her feet,
she enjoyed the scene with laughs and  treat.


My sole purpose to write this poem is to express my idea on the wishes that lead us into desperation, that generates eagerness in our life to have and more. This desperation of never ending materialism and “wants” make us shallow beings.

When we already have enough resources in out life, we still stumble upon some holes in our life which we try to fill. Holes of less money, which we fill them with more money to make our life more happier, holes of less pretty cloths which we fill them by buying more nicer cloths. Holes which reflects that we have “less”.

But in reality, these holes are only dug by us. We are the ones who are digging these holes of “less”, and we can’t stop digging. It’s so intuitive that we dig these holes, that’s why we don’t notice when we do it. To stop “Digging” we have to accept and admire what we already have then we can smoothly walk in our life with out falling into some.

Nervousness is important

What makes you nervous?

Nervousness, also known as anxiety, is a feeling of uneasiness and horror where we encounter it by facing unfamiliar situations or circumstances. It’s one of the the common emotions in our life, beside happiness, sadness, loneliness, etc. When our mind generate any emotion, it also generates related reaction with it. During happiness, a smile intuitively takes place as a reaction to that emotion. On the other hand, when we face anxiety, our most common reaction consists shivering, lack of eye contact, blank mindness, heavy breathing, and so on. These reactions can be vary from person to person.

What makes me nervous?

We all feel nervousness and i am not an exception. I feel anxiety through presentations, when I had to present my idea or a summary about any book front of numerous people. The experience of going on stage is sure thriller but comes at a cost. The overwhelming burden of anxiety and insecurities.

Through socializing, I also feel anxiety. Meeting with unfamiliar faces, and most of the time you are worrying about what the other individual is thinking about “me”. From this thought we feel “Anxiety”, and to deal with it, we give an involuntary reaction or reactions. Such as waving hands through our hair, touching our back of the neck, stealing eye contact, and the list goes on. These movements are also called “body language”. And it never lies.

Why it’s important?

It’s important because it help us to be aware of our risks. We can basically assume “Anxiety” as “Not comfortable” and when we are “Comfortable” then we are not actually learning or developing ourselves. Because we are caged in our own metaphorical comfort zonezone where everything is pleasing us.

When we teach or train ourselves at learning something new or when we enhance our learning, we have to get out of our “Comfort zone”. The feeling of “discomfort” is a must to develop ourselves for better. Learning any kind of skill takes commitment and persistent, and to do that you have get out of your so called “Comfort Zone” Aka “Anxiety killer”, if you fail to do so, then you would not accomplish what excellence lies behind that “Anxiety”.

Nowadays, most people run away or just ignore the feeling of “Anxiety”. And the reason revolves around the feeling of being shamed, feeling of failing, and the feeling that they would feel bad in the future. So, they don’t try or do those activities which could or barely infiltrate their “Comfort Zone”.

But, people lack the sense that failures does gives you lots of anxiety, but also teaches you what can you do better in the future, it develop you.


Poem name : Weekend

Ok! Today’s weekend,

Where should I go?

I often go for a show,

But, recently it’s a no, no.

So, Netflix and chill?

But, my friend didn’t paid the bill.

I wish I could go to some hill,

But, my bank balance is nil.

Till then, having a drink Is better option,

But, I am quite sick so there’s a caution.

Having no options, drawing a blank.

All right! Too tired, going for a sleep,

But, involuntary did a two day leap.


Greek philosopher “Socrates”

True knowledge exists knowing

that you know nothing.


A popular quote by brilliant philosopher Socrates, it tells us that having a self awarenes of your lack of knowledge, is also part of the knowledge that you have.

It can be more revalent to our life and also to other’s life around us, where people pretend to know something, but having no knowledge about that concept or thing.

We all have privileges

We all used to think that privilege is huge amount of money, a good house, being born in a first world country, etc. But we never consider the privilege we all born with, privilege which we all have and we can use these privilege to obtain the achievement that we all thought of or planned.
These are not materialistic, but rather virtual and also essential in our life.


Writing is a privilege

Writing is the most respected skill in our society. We all learn to write in our life, and if you understand its value then it’s not less than a privilege. Writing is a privilege become we use this skill to get our favorite degree in our respected field, then that degree would help us to achieve our goal. We understand to how to write an idea and phrase it better through writing so would understand it betterly. That’s why this set of skill is crucial in our life, if we can’t write then our value would be none, if we can’t make our points clear in writing then we can present them verbally. And that takes us to our next point.


Speaking is a gem

In speaking, as we all know this is also count as a privilege because not everyone born without disability. Some people suffer this tragedy and they born mute, but it doesn’t mean they’ll can’t succeed in their life without the ability of articulation, they use the skill of writing and they develop their excellence in writing. That’s why most mute people have very good jobs.
People who can speak verbally, but can’t phrase there sentences clearly then there chance to get a higher paying job would be none.
Speaking is the second stage of writing, we write clearly and put our thoughts on the piece of paper. But as it comes to give a presentation or speech then we lack the skill the present our brilliant idea that we just wrote, then the thoughts and idea that we wrote would be meaningless if we can’t present it.
Speaking is not an easy task, there is lots of thing we have to consider before presenting any idea or concept. For an example: elocution, what kind of audience you are presenting to, be confident, etc.
When you give a presentation to an interview with no hassle, then that gives you a high change of getting that job and also helps you to build a smart personality.
Speaking is no less than treasure when you master it or get the science behind it. It opens many doors of opportunities for you.

There can be no happiness without sadness.

What is happiness?

There’s a long living saying called “Be positive”, basically means be happy in your life and don’t care about the sad feelings associated with sorrow, grief etc. But what if we just exclude these sad emotions in our life for good, like these feelings don’t exist no more. Will that be enough to make a person happy or even positive? If there’s no sadness in life then how can you determine what is happiness?


Let’s imagine a living world where there is no sadness. Imagine, imagine…imagine, are you done? Great. But, sorry to say that world would not exist.
People often value happiness more than sadness because they know how painful it feels to have any kind of sad emotion in your life.
That’s the reason why happiness is more valuable, obliquely because of sadness.
We tend to oversee the value of sadness though.

Value of sadness.
Everybody knows the value of happiness so I would not say more on that, but in case of sadness, this feeling associated with more emotions like failing; which helps us to understand our mistakes and motivate us to not do same mistake again, sorrow which gives us the emotion of that we care about something, and the list goes on.
Every sad emotion is necessary to live and improve yourself in life.
Sadness is important to feel the value of happiness.

Everybody knows the value of happiness so I would not say more on that, but in case of sadness, this feeling associated with more emotions like failing; which helps us to understand our mistakes and motivate us to not do same mistake again, sorrow which gives us the emotion of that we care about something, and the list goes on.
Every sad emotion is necessary to live and improve yourself in life.
Sadness is important to feel the value of happiness.